Can I introduce myself. My father Stanislaw Olszowski served on ORP Orzel during 1940. He left her prior to last tour of duty and went on to serve on various other ships and destroyers; Conrad, Burza, Garland, Jasztrab, Iskra and King George V. He passed out of Polish Naval College in 1938/39 and was serving on ORP Iskra at the outbreak of war. He was awarded the honoury rank of commador some years ago. He is still alive at the age of 87 living in the north east of England. He has written several articles for Polish naval magazines over the years recounting his stories of naval career.
Yes, my father has a number of photos of his time in the Navy. I will
be posting some of them soon. He has attended a number of reunions
over the years one was in Gdansk to celebrate 50years where he met up with a number of his naval collegues. Another was in London to commemorate the Norwegian campaign where he was awarded a medal. He took part in convoy escort duties to Arcangel and Murmansk but has yet to receive any recognition for his efforts.