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30-12-2021 20:52

30-12-2021 18:14
Witam wszystkich ponownie Wink

22-12-2021 13:05
Bravo!!!! Warto było czekać.

22-12-2021 11:23
Witam Was ponownie!!!

16-07-2018 13:24

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Congratulations for the site!!!
Hello Polish Friends, I am Patricio Morales from Chile (they forgive my terrible English, I speak Spanish), fond of the world of the naval history and the games of historical simulation. While it looked for a place web that spoke of "the terrible brothers" (Dzik and Sokol), the Polish Submarine Force of the WWII, I found this place. And I congratulate them for the quality and the quantity of information of this legend of the seas.
A Greeting and continue ahead. Any thing that you need, or to put a forum in Spanish, I will be but that pleasant to collaborate them.

A Greeting and Good Hunt ORP-Orzel
Many thanks for joining us - we are on the search of our famous and excellent submarine ORZEL (Eagle). Forgive me please my not knowing how do You call ORZEL/EAGLE in Spanish, but you will be able to find many interesting things about the boat and the Polish Navy and the maritime history of our country.
I myself do know a bit of Your famous boat, the HUASCAR, now at Talcahuano NB, and of Her fascinating story. You are much more lucky than we, as Your Huascar did actually survive all Her battles and our ORZEL did not.
Our historic Naval Unit (the second one in history) is now the World's eldest destroyer in existence, the British-built BLYSKAWICA.
The story of the main HERO of this webpage is available in English for all the foreign friends eager to learn to know a bit of the ORZEL, as is Her timeline from the very beginning to the mysterious end.
Thanks Friend Stary_Wraq. I'm truly impressed not alone for the epic history of Orzel, but for all the force submarine Pole. Right now I am editing a summary of the history of Orzel in Spanish to go up it to the forum and your explanation helps a lot.
That of the Huascar is special, they have spent more than 126 years from the call Guerra of the Pacifico in Chile or Guerra of the Nitrate, and the Monitor Huascar, a marvel of the engineering that you advance 20 years together with the frigate Independence, both Peruvian ships that May 21 1879 faced two old corvettes, the Covadonga that conquered to the independence for the road of entering in scums and the Peruvian frigate was beached, while the Esmeralda, its commandant Arturo Prat and its company combatted valorously completely in a battle lost and they surrendered the life on the covered with the monitor. Time later, the monitor huascar was captured by Chile and it retained it until these days that it is a floating museum in the post of the Talcahuano. It's a memory of valiant and noble, Chilean men and Peruvians.

A Greeting from Chile.
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Congratulations! ORZEŁ - ORZEL 2 02-03-2006 11:56
Congratulations for the site!!! (me too!) English Forum 1 31-05-2005 08:35
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39% [31 głosów]

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Rozpoczęto: 13/09/2008 14:47

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