Author was Mr St. Biskupski, the same guy who wrote that book on "Bismarck" & "Piorun" [BISMARCK straight ahead!].
THe theory represented by the author as to cause of ORZEL her loss, was that of torpedoing her by the Dutch sub, about to relieve her in the sector.
Book was published in the late sixties by Messrs. NASZA KSIEGARNIA, and with a bit of luck you may find it still today in libraries.
I AM MYSELF MUCH MORE INTERESTED IN THAT COMIC ON THE SUB. There is a group of enthusiasts, turning eagerly the Polish war history upside down (e. g. that story of the 'true' fight for Westerplatte).
As far as I know, there were plans to a) write & publish a completely new story of the Sub (including that Zhdanov-affair with Soviet merchant vessels) write and publish a comic on our Sub, the ORZEL of course. Does anybody know more on these?
The English-writing Polish old Wreck i. e. I myself, have heard as well, there were plans to make a new picture on ORZEL.
As to ORZEL Her books. There is as well one book on Her written by Mr Damski (known as the author for POLSKA ZBROJNA). I don't know however any particulars on it.